Contact Us!
All Tours Depart from the Boat Ramp at Francis S. Taylor Wildlife Management Area in Weston, FL on Hwy 27n. Directions from Ft Lauderdale: Take Hwy 595 west to Hwy 75n (Alligator Ally). Take 75n out to Hwy 27n. Turn north (right) onto Hwy 27n. Take Hwy 27n to the 38 mile marker. The site is just past the 38 mile marker on the east (right) side of the road. Go to the ramp area and ask for Captain Gerald.
Note: Please arrive at the Boat Ramp 15-20 minutes before your scheduled tour
Directions for Uber & Lyft
Uber and other ride-share apps work great when going to and from our launch location. Please make sure when you type in your destination address that you type EVERGLADES AIRBOAT EXCURSIONS. This map will show up and that is the correct location. You can also access driving instructions with any mobile smart phone on our directions tab of our website or call directly at 561-660-2419 for any questions.